Operational Update - Minor flood event

29 November 2023

Following the significant but isolated rain event over the past 24 hours, Murray Irrigation has enacted the Emergency and Incident Management Plan.

The Emergency and Incident Management Plan was updated following the 2022 major flooding event. The plan documents the planning and initiating of responses to various emergencies that may occur with Murray Irrigation.

The Deniliquin / Pretty Pine area witnessed in excess of 120mm of rain over a 24 hour period. This has triggered Murray Irrigation to announce a minor flooding event.

As part of the Emergency and Incident Management Plan, staff will be monitoring critical points across this isolated area to assess the performance of the drainage system. 

Preplanning activities have occurred over the past two days, including ensuring critical drainage outfalls were operational. This includes the

outfall and junctions of Box Creek and the Edward River as seen in the photo (at right).

Customers are encouraged to contact Murray Irrigation if they have concerns about the drainage system or to report any infrastructure

failures or blockages.

Customers are also reminded they must apply to discharge any water

into the drainage system. 

To apply please submit an Application to Discharge form or contact Customer Operations on 1300 138 265 from 6.30am – 6.30pm, 7 days.

Box Creek outfall at the Edward River.

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